lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Realm of ghosts

In this activity we did a grafiti about the book we read in myon. In my case I read a book called "realm of ghots". It was about to friends, one was a great player in a game called "kingdoom of doom" and the other wanted to invite him to a party. Once they were in the party the place was empty and things started to happen. To do this activity we wrote some quotations for each character.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

el deseo de volar scratch

En esta actividad hicimos un proyecto en una plataforma llamada "scratch". Para realizar este juego nos guiamos en el avion de Leonardo Da Vinci. Este juego lo realise con Federico Levitan.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

A victorian boy's diary

In this activity we first watch a few videos about routines of boys or girls during victorian times and then we wrote our routine as we are a victorian boy. We wrote in which time we wake up, what do we have to do in our work, etc.
This is what I wrote

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

How do plants survive?

In this activity we did a conceptual map about how do plants survive. We included information about the pollination and about the seed dispersal. We put how they reproduce in this case between the seed. To do this activity, I used mindomo.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Articulo 41

En esta actividad hicimos una presentación sobre todo el contenido del artículo 41 de la Constitución Nacional.