jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

EM concepts

This activity is a presentation about this concepts:ecology,organism,population,community,ecosystem and competition.We had to do a presentation about this consepts.
                                           This is my work:

domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

comic seguridad en las redes sociales

Este trabajo es un comic sobre seguridad en las redes sociales, yo elegí hacer sobre un señor que publica sus datos personales en las redes sociales y lo observa una persona desconocida que no tenía buenas intenciones. Aquí les dejo la app que utilicé: http://www.storyboardthat.com/

Made with Storyboard That

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

La historia de la tierra y de la vida

Estas ultimas clases de ciencias naturales estuvimos trabajando con todo lo que tiene que ver con la geología y la tierra. Estudiamos con una red conceptual,el libro de ciencias naturales y con otra red conceptual pero esta vez con mindomo.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018


As a part of the project "your shoes my shoes", the teacher told us to write an anecdote and show how we felt.

A few years ago I travelled to Santiago de chile, fifteen days . In those fifteen days I lived in an apartment that had a very big and long table. In adition, the table had a very big edge. One day I was running very fast in front of the table and I fell down and I crushed into the table's edge. I started crying because I had a pain in my forehead.

Then my family and I had to go to a doctor, that said that I was crying because my forehead was very hurt. My mum and my dad were very scared because I was in very bad conditions and we were in another country. The next few days I was better. However, I still had a very big pain in my forehead.