jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Bioma: La sabana

En esta actividad realizamos una presentación acerca de los distintos biomas. En mi caso hice junto a 3 compañero. Una presentación acerca del bioma sabana. En esta presentación incluimos, características, flora, fauna y los problemas ambientales.
Esta fue nuestra presentación:

martes, 14 de abril de 2020


In this activity we did a drawing about the scene of the first chapter of a play called “journey’s end’. Then we put our drawings in an aplication called ‘padlet’ so that everyone could saw it!
This is my drawing:

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

World war 1 propaganda

In this acticity, we did a propaganda about the the First World War. We did this because we saw people who were in the war or people who wanted to convince people to go to war made this types of propagandas.
Here is my propaganda: